a dream in living color.

I made the choice to give myself a day of rest yesterday. I didn’t write. I didn’t take pictures. Instead, I took three naps, got pictures developed, cleaned my room, hung up afore mentioned pictures and spent the evening in the company of terrific friends.

When I laid my head down to go to sleep last night I was frustrated. I was restless. I know that my day of rest was necessary, but it wasn’t fulfilling and my creativity was screaming at me. I tossed and turned for some moments before finally spinning one of my favorite albums, Bright Eyes: I’m Wide Awake, It’s Morning, and drifted off to sleep…which really turned into a dream wonderland.

I don’t feel like I slept at all last night. I entered vivid dreams filled with color and inspiration…

Familiar places with familiar faces…I was surrounded by places and people I have photographed. I knew them, but spoke to them as if they were my creativity. I was asking what they could do for me. “Why aren’t you around more? Why aren’t you in my face like you used to be?” They were ideas-MY ideas-places I had picked and people I chose to capture. They all gave the same response, “What are you going to do for us?”

I transitioned to one of my favorite places-a field full of sunflowers, but there was an unfamiliar road running through the center of it. There was a waiting feeling within me, but my camera was in my hand, so I captured nature’s beauty while I waited blindly. I heard a car and as I looked down the deserted road I saw a white Escalade coming towards me. It stopped right where I stood and the door opened. I had no fear entering it because I instinctively knew it was what I had been waiting for.

I couldn’t see the driver, but the space felt safe and I recognized the familiar voice that said, “are you ready?” I began asking repetitively, “where are we going? where does this road go?” My frustration kept building and I began saying, “I don’t know what I’m doing.” The voice calmly said, “you know where we’re going. You know what you’re doing. Trust and relax.”

As we drove we made stops at all of the landscapes I’ve photographed and at each stop the voice told me to get out alone. I got out and embraced the views and captured them with my camera all over again. I stayed at Canon Beach, Oregon the longest and asked the voice longingly if it was coming with me. “You did this alone, you must go along one last time.”

Every time I would get back into the Escalade I would ask the same questions, “where are we going? Where does this road go?” Always transitioning to the statement, “I don’t know what I’m doing.” Each and every time the voice reassured, “you know where we’re going. You know what you’re doing. Trust and relax.”

The landscapes disappeared and we drove into white nothingness. It looked like a blank canvas. I said, “this is it. This is where we were going.” The voice said, “You already knew, I told you this. You must trust.” I had to tell myself to breath deeply before telling the voice that I was ready to exit again. I felt the faceless figure moving towards the other door. I quickly asked, “you’re coming this time?” Without an answer we both exited into the blankness.

I walked around in circles, “what do I do with this? There’s nothing here.” The voice now had a face and he grabbed me by the shoulders saying, “we make it, create it, it can be anything you want.” My frustrated feelings were lingering as I said, “I can’t photograph this. There’s nothing here.” He turned me to look at more blank space while saying, “listen to your ideas, let your creativity speak. Open your mind to the new opportunities in front of you. It’s time for you to make it all happen.”

I walked in more circles and yelled, “I don’t know what it looks like! I don’t know what this means!” In almost a whisper he said, “you do, it can be anything you want. You have the vision, put the fear aside, and bring it all to life.” Color began to appear in blurry fashion.

I woke up with tears in my eyes. I grabbed my phone to quickly type down everything before I forgot it. I had a message from a friend with this video attached:

A Brand New Ending

I have been fearfully walking along side my passion when I should be grabbing it by the hand and running. Now, I am not saying I’m going to quit my job, but I cannot keep ignoring this calling within me. I have to take action and I have to trust in the gifts, people and places that are placed before me in order to get there. It is no coincidence that the song I heard before I fell asleep last night was Bright Eyes: First Day of My Life. The time is now. My dreams are my responsibility if I let them die, I let myself die. I deserve to be invested in, so why wait? Today is another blessed day.

Stay grateful,


All of the Snowflakes

 I stumbled upon my old WIX site at a time where I needed encouraging and comforting most, so I decided to share with you all too…

April 27, 2015

Unfortunately I did not have the time to complete a post for last week. I have been extremely busy with work and I just couldn’t find the time to sit down and compile all of my thoughts. When I look back on last week it was filled with so many emotions.

On Thursday, I went to my grandparents house to spend some time with them and pick up a few things. My grandparents have been going through things at their home, so they have been finding a lot of cool things and pictures and asked me if I wanted some of them. My grandma found an old diary that she thought was mine. I did not recognize it and I could not get it open at the time, but once I did get it open I discovered that it was my mom’s diary from the year before I was born. This was an amazing discovery. It was so incredible to learn about her and read her thoughts from that time. It is filled with stories about her hanging out with her friends and going on dates. It is definitely the diary of a teenage girl, but it just fascinated me. There are only a few pages, but it gave me a chance to know my mom a little more than I did before. I never thought that I would have the opportunity to know more than I already knew. There are entries about dumb decisions that she made, happy moments, sad moments and even when she found out about being pregnant with me.

Having the opportunity to read excerpts from her life made me want to continue my photography and writing even more. I did not get the chance to ask my mom many questions about her life before me. I would have loved to know her on a deeper level and because she took the time to write even a few entries in an old diary I was able to connect with her. The pages I read gave me an understanding of the woman she was and the way that she thought. She was trying to figure out life and she was so scared when she learned that she was pregnant, but her excitement for getting to know me outweighed that fear. I am so glad that my mom wanted to know me because for a moment she considered aborting me. My life would have been nonexistent and I am sure her life would have been much different if that were the case. She made the decision to become a mother. She wrote an entry where she talked about how excited she was about having a baby. She expressed her concern about making it work, but she was still willing to do it. She wrote her baby name ideas in that entry as well. I was not given either one of these names, but it was so neat to see that she was thinking about me before I was even here.

 There are moments where I can feel my mom with me. Even after over 10 years without her I can still feel her spirit. I notice her when I look at my hands because they remind me of hers. I notice her in my love of photography because she always wanted to capture moments. I feel her presence when I listen to Whitney Houston songs because we used to jam out in the car together. I feel her presence when the first snow falls because she used to wake me up to watch the snow when I was little. I see her when I look in the mirror at my eyes. I can still remember her voice. I can still remember her laugh. Touching the words that she wrote in a diary made me feel close to her in a way that I have not felt in quite some time. Even though she is physically gone from this earth I know that I will always have a connection to her. Finding her diary was an amazing surprise and I honestly can’t fully put into words the emotion that I feel about that. I am thankful for memories and reminders that make me think of her.

Processed with VSCOcam with b5 preset

Processed with VSCOcam with b5 preset



 I found your diary today. I would literally laugh out loud at some of the things you wrote.  I could tell that you had a free and fun spirit even at a young age. Rules didn’t seem to apply to you-which I think caught up with you at times. Thank you for using writing as an outlet even if it was for a short time. I think eighteen year old you and eighteen year old me would have been friends. You seemed to really enjoy life and loved to make people feel special. I wish that things could have worked out differently for you and you could have ended up with “the man of your dreams” at the time. I hope that you found the happiness you longed for. Thank you for keeping me and thank you for loving me. Thank you for giving up a life style of drugs and alcohol in order to bring me into this world. Thank you for thinking of me before yourself. Thank you for being my mom. I may not understand some of the decisions that you made, but I can know that you did what you thought was best for me. I wish that I could have a conversation with you and tell you all of my thoughts and ask you all of my questions, but this letter will have to be enough. I am proud of your nineteen year old self for making adult decisions. I am proud to call you my mom and that will never change. I’ll love you forever, I’ll like you for always, as long as I’m living my mommy you’ll be.

 Love you more than all of the snowflakes that will fall,


Find your yellow light…

I am not good at slow. 

I am good at stop and go. 

I am good at all or nothing. 

I am not good with in between bullshit. 

I like answers. 

I like direction. 

I like plans. 

I am not good at resting in the moment.

I want more.

I want great.


A flashing yellow light signifies: proceed with caution. I feel like I AM a flashing yellow light. 
I put out that I need caution, time, patience and understanding, but I don’t know how to do it for myself. 

I am not patient with myself. 

Most of the time, I feel like I need to dive in head first for fear that the water won’t always be there for me to feel. In those moments, I usually  end up drowning. Other times, I just don’t even try to test out the water because my anxiety or skeptismn gets the best of me. There isn’t an between. There isn’t a happy medium. There is just stop and go. 

Stop or go usually just results in me becoming increasingly frustrated with myself. 

Why can’t I just let myself wade? 

Why can’t I down shift and just go slower? 

Why am I either green or red? 

Where is my yellow? 

I am in charge of my happiness. I am in control of my calm. I am going to find my yellow light that prepares me for my stop and let’s me rest from my go.  
Stay grateful, stay patient, 



I have been in one of my writing droughts. I have let life take over and I haven’t taken enough time to sit and write out my thoughts. This is detrimental to who I am. I feel unbalanced, anxious and confused. Writing is something that I enjoy doing it, but it’s more of a necessity in my life than anything.

I write to process.

I write to release the hopes buried in my soul.

I write to spill out the desires burning in my chest.

I write to replace tears I am tired of shedding.

I write to remind myself of my inner truths.

I write to keep myself focused on growing forward.

I write to remember.

I write to guide myself.

I write to encourage myself.

I write because I am a maker, a creative and a writer.

So, here are some words I have written. These words have been a facilitator in my own personal healing:

Broken people attract other broken people because there is a natural understanding there. It can be healthy, but you can’t expect to complete one another with broken pieces. Those pieces have to be mended on your own. -KP

Being witness to another soul’s growth is a true honor. -KP

You will always have reminders. Grieving doesn’t have rules. -KP

Home used to be the smell of craft beer and American Spirits. -KP

You’re allowed to be tired: it symbolizes hard work, perseverance and survival of struggle. There’s still beauty in sleepless eyes. -KP

Cameras are time machines. Devises that capture and hold single moments that unwind into beautiful tales. -KP

Practice resting in good things even if they aren’t exactly what you want. You still have to appreciate the present goodness around you. -KP

If we can go places and meet people in our dreams, maybe we aren’t as far away as we feel. -KP

Ours will be the greatest story ever told even if the words never leave the pages of my leather bond book. Continue to push your love out into the world; unseen things still exist. -KP

You learn a person through listening and observation. Those tissues next to the bed? They might be for all of the tears cried while missing you. -KP

Learn yourself. If consistency is your necessity, do not accept inconsistency. If honesty brings you calmness, do not let dishonesty into your home. If loving is your vice continue to let your heart burst, and be increasingly thankful for those that allow you to love them. -KP

Finding a latch; a missing key to your locked heart takes patience. There is beauty in the rust created while waiting. -KP

Life looks different now. Getting used to the difference stings, but you have to make new memories for yourself to muddle the feelings of hurt. -KP

In my experience time lines for pain rarely work. Heartbreak has no rules. -KP

Much greatness can come from the joining of creative minds, but must destruction if joined with ill intentions. Do not let cautiousness overshadow vulnerability. -KP

You might be in the midst of the worst right now, but that heavy feeling will get lighter. -KP

Don’t make me your everything. Make me your something that makes everything better. -KP



Wading in the Shallows

I recently moved back home and it has been a flood of emotions. I feel a little like Gumby being pulled a million directions at once. I am incredibly loved by my family and friends and that is a feeling that goes unmatched with any other emotion. I felt the need to write something because I feel a disconnect or misunderstanding of myself with so many people I love and who love me back.

I feel loved every single day, but why does it overwhelm me? 

  • I am learning how to be around people again. For the past 6 months I have lived a very private, secluded life. If I did spend time with people there was emotional distance. I built a lot of walls around myself. I was very selective in who I allowed within my space of time. Old habits die hard. 
  • I am learning to eat again. I am used to eating alone. For the past six months I rarely cooked. I was perfectly content living off of tortilla chips, guacamole and Trader Joe’s salads. Sitting down for an actual meal is challenging for me, not really the eating part, but the conversation part. I either feel compelled to spill out unnecessary words or I eat too fast in order to deflect any attention that might be directed to me. 
  • I am learning time management again. I didn’t have to figure out when I was going to see friends or family because I could count the people in my life on one hand. I mostly communicated with the help of my iPhone. Technology made my social interactions be on MY time. I didn’t have to actively find time to create because anytime I wasn’t working, I was free to create, explore and photograph. 
  • I am learning to sleep again. Do you know how quiet the country is compared to the city? Silence is deafening for me at times. It takes me forever to fall asleep. I am adjusting to normal sleeping habits and Eastern Time Zone. Melatonin is becoming my saving grace and I’m reluctant to let go of my Pacific Standard frame of mind only because it signifies definite change. 

I am immersing myself back into a culture of love. I’m immersing myself back into home and stability. IT TAKES TIME. I am still Korie, but I have grown. If you feel I’m different, it’s because I am. If you feel I’m distant, it’s because I am. If you feel I’m tired, it’s because I am. If you feel I’m quiet, it’s because I am. While you’ve been talking the past six months, I have been writing. My journal has been my companion. 

To answer the question everyone seems to want to ask, what can you do

I am okay. If I need to talk, I will. When those moments arise, be a listener. Know that if I’m choosing to let you in and give you pieces of myself it’s because I trust you. Do not take my trust in you lightly. Tell me about YOU, let me connect with you without making it about me. Let me listen. Let me process. Let me be a support to you as you have been to me. Let me love you as you have been and continue to love me. Give me time. Let me heal how I need. Let me be. Please, just give me space and let me breathe. Lastly, try to understand that it’s truly not you, it’s me. I’m learning to step back into life and I cannot dive in. I’m only in the shallow end right now, so don’t push me into the deep. I’m not going anywhere, I’m here. I’m home. 

Life Happens and I’ve Got My Shit Together.

Sometimes life doesn’t happen the way we think it will. Life is full of plot twists, but nobody talks about them for fear of being judged. No one’s path is the same and we are each our own individual. As I have mentioned in previous posts, I have been on a journey of self discovery and love. I haven’t posted any of my writing in quite some time, but I have been filling the pages of my journal. I realized that I haven’t been posting out of fear. Fear of judgement, fear of loss and fear of reality.

Being vulnerable is terrifying, but I am now allowing myself to leave those fears behind…

I finally feel ready to share my heart and fully embrace the new journey that is in front of me. These past few months have been brutal. I have been trying to hold my shit together while diving into my job and my passion as much as possible, but my heart has been at war fighting against a word that I have always considered a bad word.

The D word. 


I was raised in the church and can vividly remember sitting in a Bride Wore White class as a young girl proclaiming, “divorce is never an option!” We were told that sex before marriage was a terrible sin and our duty as women was to be faithful, supportive and submissive to your husbands.

Divorce was not talked about because it was not an option…or maybe it wasn’t talked about because of fear.

When it was spoken about it was in a very negative tone, words dripping with judgement covered by stains of failure.Obviously, when you make the choice to commit to marry someone, you do not have plans for that union to end. You love that person, you trust that person and you chose to start a life with them for a reason. You took vows and made promises to that person.

What happens when you fail to live up to those vows and promises?

What happens when you fail as a wife?

What happens when you fail as a husband?

I don’t have have the answers to these questions, so don’t look to me for that guidance. I am just figuring life out as it happens just like you. All I do know is that there are two sides to every story…wrongs are done by both parties…everyone has their process…privacy is a luxury…and heartbreak cannot be put into words, so I refuse to dwell on trying to fill lines of this page with unexplainable rationalities.





and I’ve learned that it will be okay.*

*OKAY: from the Greek word “Ola Kala” meaning everything’s fine.


These past few months I have went through every emotion imaginable.

I have had sleepless nights.

I have had days without food due to lack of appetite.

I have had nights filled with laughter.

I have gotten angry for petty reasons.

I have doubted myself.

I have doubted others.

I have cried in the shower and my car because I refuse to lose it at work or in public.

I have grieved.

I have smiled.

I have loved others.

I have let others love me.

I have had panic attacks.

I have been grateful and thankful.

Throughout these months I began seeking professional counsel. I have been challenged to work through my emotions even when they scare me. I constantly question myself. For reasons that I am continuing to learn; I seek approval for my feelings because I have a severe fear of failure and a deep longing for approval. I am just like the majority of America who struggles with anxiety, but I was ashamed of it for so long. See, when you’re a kid (or at least when I was) and look at people older than you it seems like they have their shit together. It seems like they never trip, stumble or fall. It seems like they take the world on with an unquestionable grace.

They seem OKAY. 

You see…in the midst of these emotions I have been learning…

I have been learning to have faith again.

I have been learning who I am as an individual.

I have been learning to love myself.

I have been learning to see the beauty in myself and my surroundings.

I have been learning what it means to grow up.

I have been learning that is is okay to feel how I feel.

I have been learning that sometimes leaving is a necessity.

I have been learning that redirecting is healing.

I have been learning that right now I am right where I need to be.

Right now…

I am a 26 year old divorced female who has been living 2, 500 miles away from my family and closest friends. I spend every day working; either my “9-5” or pursuing my passion. I end most of my nights with wine and writing. I have a roommate who has become family. I work out at least three times a week and feel truly healthy for the first time in my life. I am supporting myself financially and failing at times. I am forming a life completely different than the one I thought I would ever be living. Right now, am I okay? No, but I will be and when you see me I will look like I have my shit together because, I’m magic and, I do.

“Someday you’re gonna look back on this moment of your life as such a sweet time of grieving. You’ll see that you were in mourning and your heart was broken, but your life was changing.”-Elizabeth Gilbert

April 10, 2016

Fun fact: April 10th is always the 100th day of the year (101st if it’s a leap year).

About three months ago I wrote 25: an 8 month review and when I sit and reflect I have already learned so much more about myself since that post. It is a beautiful thing when you can even surprise yourself. I want to continue growing forward in year 26. I am using my writing as a way to hold myself accountable as I go into this next year of life. My journey of self discovery is never ending and if years of your life can be given chapter titles, then this year will be called STRENGTH.

In my life I have never taken the time to look at my moments of strength. I have just powered through them.

You know when you’re a kid and you constantly dream of flying or being bigger than you are? I remember always feeling the desire to go places. I didn’t care where. I just wanted to go and I knew I couldn’t do that unless I was bigger. So, what did I want to be when I grew up?


I don’t know if that feeling ever goes away because I am bigger than I was when I was seven and I am still shooting for greatness. That is the change. It’s not about being bigger physically, but being bigger mentally. I am striving for my greatness. I am, for the first time ever, taking time to view my own strength. And just so you know, it is terrifying. Viewing my own strength throughout my life is causing me to face some demons. I have been told all of my life that I am strong. I have been told that people “admire my strength” or they have been “inspired by my strength.” It is appreciated, but unfortunately, you have to go through some tough shit in life in order to receive these accolades of strength.

I can remember my first moment of conscious strength. Story time…

I was eight years old when I saw my brother’s lifeless body laying in a sterile hospital room. I didn’t cry. I didn’t speak. I didn’t turn away. Somehow, I understood in that moment that my brother was gone. That moment of understanding was my first dip into the raging waters of emotional strength, but the moments that followed are my first recollections of conscious, raw and unwavering strength.

My mother had just lost her youngest child and her only son. So, naturally she held on tight when she got me in her arms. I remember sitting on her lap while she cried. She said, “you’re my baby” over and over. I held her. comforted her. hugged her. I didn’t dare shed a tear. I patted her back. I let her cry. I let her feel. I stood strong. Somehow, I knew that is what was needed. At eight years old I determined how I would handle challenging situations for the rest of my life. On that day, in that moment, the foundation was laid for my pillar. My pillar of strength.

So that’s the intro to the next chapter and journey. I am going to take the time to look at each moment of strength as I prepare my heart and soul for the future moments when I am going to need all of the strength that I can muster. I invite you to go along with me, but please respect that this is not going to be easy for me. I ask for encouragement and patience as I process and reflect on my life. I will be writing in excerpts, but please do not be alarmed if there are long droughts between postings. I am stepping into this year hour by hour; one day at a time. I will be keeping my promise of transparency, but it will be at my own pace. I look forward to the moments of peace and understanding. Let’s do this. Here’s to year 26.












 ***speacial thanks to my dear friend Aimee Grills for capturing these shots of me. Thank you for believing in The Queen  Project and letting me show my beauty. (The Queen Project)

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Slay Everyday: The Queen Project

Last week I was fortunate enough to take a trip across the country and immerse myself in beauty. I spent time with two of my closest friends while taking in the breathtaking ocean views of Fort Walton Beach, Florida. About a month ago my friend Aimee asked me if I would be willing do a photo shoot for her. My immediate response was, “YES! When?!” I love photography, but I love photographing the beautiful souls in my life the most. I love being able to capture moments with them and let them see what I see.

When I was going through shots from our shoot I could not help but smile. I was looking at beauty. I was looking at empowerment. I want to help everyone see their beauty. I want every person to FEEL their beauty while I capture it. My hope is that this shoot will be my first of many for any person that wants to embrace their inner Queen. Feel confident and do not apologize for it. You deserve to be seen. You deserve to be known. You are beautiful. You are worthy. You are valued. You are magic.

I hope you enjoy these shots as much as I did taking them!

Stay grateful,



***all photos taken by KPfeelfotos (Korie Pickett)


Living in the Moment

The other day I saw a piece of driftwood with stones all throughout the natural grooves. I related to those stones. Some were placed there, some washed up, and they all had their own story. It made me realize that we all have a place in this world. Sometimes it takes a little longer to figure out the right spot. I think that life happens in moments. As I get older and meet new people I realize that these moments are so important.

This past week I was able to share my new city with one of my very best friends. I was able to show her all of the reasons that I have fallen in love with Washington. I think that my favorite day was our trip to Mount Rainier National Park. The day was beautiful-the sky was clear and the snow had melted down enough for us to adventure on some trails. We found a river opening near the base of the mountain. It was a moment. In a space that beautiful words are lost, literally, but memories are created. I hope to forever remember the feeling I had in that moment. I felt small and mighty all at once. I realized and thought about my greatness in the midst of mountains. How could I feel that amazing and small at the same time?

I have been on a journey of positivity since I started blogging. I have shed hair, weight and negativity. I have grown a lot and I still have a lot to learn about myself. I still have more to shed. When I was in the midst of nature I realized that my soul is just beginning to soar. I am just getting my wings and I will only begin to feel more and more amazing. I cannot even pretend that negativity does not creep into my life. I have plenty of dark clouds, but I choose to consistently chase after the rainbow. What other option is there? I am a fighter. I am an overcomer. I am an adventurer. I am a DOER. It has taken me far too long to realize these facts about myself, but I am making it public knowledge that I refuse to turn back now. I will continue to make every effort to see my beauty and the beauty in the world around me; no matter what dark clouds may come my way. Here’s to experiencing every moment.


Stay grateful friends,



**all photos taken by KPfeelfotos (Korie Pickett)

KP, The Queen

Today I discovered that I am a Queen. I’m serious; Queen with a capital “Q.” I woke up without an alarm, got my nails done, had lunch with a friend, went adventuring with my King and ended the day on my couch with a glass of delicious white wine.

Queens run their own schedule, enjoy the company of those they they love and respect, start each day with confidence looking fly as hell and enjoy libations happily. At least thats what a Queen does in my kooky brain.

Today I felt empowered. Today I felt confident. Today I “slayed.” Today I was a Queen.

I did not expect these feelings from today. I did not expect to step out of my comfort zone and have my picture taken.


This seemed to be a development that I noticed about myself around the time I decided to become a photographer. I love being behind the camera. I love making my visions a reality. I love capturing my favorite things about my favorite people. I love capturing memories, but there are few memories that have been captured with me in the picture.

FACT: I know that there are plenty of other photographers and videographers that don’t enjoy being on the other side of the camera.

It is my vision to do something about this fact. I would like to challenge myself, and other creatives like me, to step on the other side of the lens. I think that we all have something to learn about ourselves and one another.Why don’t I wake up every day remembering that I am a Queen? I think it’s because I let my perception of myself waver. Today my King photographed me and when I looked at the pictures do you know what I saw? A Queen.

Stay grateful,

Queen KP

P.S. If you would like to collaborate with me please feel free to comment, insta DM, or email: KP.feelfotos@gmail.com