Find your yellow light…

I am not good at slow. 

I am good at stop and go. 

I am good at all or nothing. 

I am not good with in between bullshit. 

I like answers. 

I like direction. 

I like plans. 

I am not good at resting in the moment.

I want more.

I want great.


A flashing yellow light signifies: proceed with caution. I feel like I AM a flashing yellow light. 
I put out that I need caution, time, patience and understanding, but I don’t know how to do it for myself. 

I am not patient with myself. 

Most of the time, I feel like I need to dive in head first for fear that the water won’t always be there for me to feel. In those moments, I usually  end up drowning. Other times, I just don’t even try to test out the water because my anxiety or skeptismn gets the best of me. There isn’t an between. There isn’t a happy medium. There is just stop and go. 

Stop or go usually just results in me becoming increasingly frustrated with myself. 

Why can’t I just let myself wade? 

Why can’t I down shift and just go slower? 

Why am I either green or red? 

Where is my yellow? 

I am in charge of my happiness. I am in control of my calm. I am going to find my yellow light that prepares me for my stop and let’s me rest from my go.  
Stay grateful, stay patient, 


Dear Present and Future Friends,

We have officially lived in Washington for a month. This month has been filled with new adventures and learning experiences. I was nervous about starting work, but that transition ended up being less stressful than I had thought. I haven’t met anyone, outside of my coworkers, so that has been a bit discouraging.

I have had the same friends for the majority of my life. I have always had few close friends that have proven to be lasting relationships. I have become more and more introverted as I get older. There have been some opportunities for me to introduce myself and strike up a conversation with someone new, but as soon as I think I have the words ready my anxiety grabs me. Maybe it’s the fear of rejection? Maybe I’m afraid that I will say the wrong thing? How do I know if I can trust this person? I don’t know for sure where these fears come from, but those are a few questions that run through my mind when I think I’m ready to meet someone new.

If I could have all of my favorite people here, in my favorite place, then that would be perfect. Thankfully, that is just not how it works. If it did work that way, then I don’t think that I would ever escape my wallflower tendencies. Thankfully, I am able to keep up with my friends and family via texts and phone calls. Seriously, I am SO thankful for FaceTime. Although, when I sit and think about it, I may be using technology as a bit of a crutch. Of course I will continue to use it as a means of keeping in touch with loved ones, but I can’t let it keep me from developing new friendships.

Dear Forever Friend,

You know who you are. I don’t need to tell you, but I do need to say thank you.
Thank you…
for being someone that I can trust.
for all the late nights.
for the dance parties and endless laughs.
for the shoulder every time I have had tears to cry.
for every nonjudgemental conversation.
for the endless support.
for the drink after a tough week.
for being my voice of reason.
for the girl’s nights.
for missing me as much as I miss you.
for sharing your life with me.
for encouraging me to meet new people.
for feeling that tinge of jealousy, that I know you will, when I do make friends.
for picking up right where we left off, every single time.
for knowing that we are forever friends.

Dear Future Friend,

I may not know you yet, but I will have plenty to thank you for.
Thank you…
for taking the time to talk with me.
for being someone that I can trust.
for being my first friend in my new home state.
for being part of my new adventure.
for understanding that living in a new place has it’s difficulties.
for every coffee date.
for every girl’s night.
for sharing your life with me.
for encouraging me to meet new people.
for being another creative soul.
for feeling that tinge of jealousy when I am missing a forever friend.
for becoming another great forever friend.

Love always,
your forever friend.