
I have been in one of my writing droughts. I have let life take over and I haven’t taken enough time to sit and write out my thoughts. This is detrimental to who I am. I feel unbalanced, anxious and confused. Writing is something that I enjoy doing it, but it’s more of a necessity in my life than anything.

I write to process.

I write to release the hopes buried in my soul.

I write to spill out the desires burning in my chest.

I write to replace tears I am tired of shedding.

I write to remind myself of my inner truths.

I write to keep myself focused on growing forward.

I write to remember.

I write to guide myself.

I write to encourage myself.

I write because I am a maker, a creative and a writer.

So, here are some words I have written. These words have been a facilitator in my own personal healing:

Broken people attract other broken people because there is a natural understanding there. It can be healthy, but you can’t expect to complete one another with broken pieces. Those pieces have to be mended on your own. -KP

Being witness to another soul’s growth is a true honor. -KP

You will always have reminders. Grieving doesn’t have rules. -KP

Home used to be the smell of craft beer and American Spirits. -KP

You’re allowed to be tired: it symbolizes hard work, perseverance and survival of struggle. There’s still beauty in sleepless eyes. -KP

Cameras are time machines. Devises that capture and hold single moments that unwind into beautiful tales. -KP

Practice resting in good things even if they aren’t exactly what you want. You still have to appreciate the present goodness around you. -KP

If we can go places and meet people in our dreams, maybe we aren’t as far away as we feel. -KP

Ours will be the greatest story ever told even if the words never leave the pages of my leather bond book. Continue to push your love out into the world; unseen things still exist. -KP

You learn a person through listening and observation. Those tissues next to the bed? They might be for all of the tears cried while missing you. -KP

Learn yourself. If consistency is your necessity, do not accept inconsistency. If honesty brings you calmness, do not let dishonesty into your home. If loving is your vice continue to let your heart burst, and be increasingly thankful for those that allow you to love them. -KP

Finding a latch; a missing key to your locked heart takes patience. There is beauty in the rust created while waiting. -KP

Life looks different now. Getting used to the difference stings, but you have to make new memories for yourself to muddle the feelings of hurt. -KP

In my experience time lines for pain rarely work. Heartbreak has no rules. -KP

Much greatness can come from the joining of creative minds, but must destruction if joined with ill intentions. Do not let cautiousness overshadow vulnerability. -KP

You might be in the midst of the worst right now, but that heavy feeling will get lighter. -KP

Don’t make me your everything. Make me your something that makes everything better. -KP



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